The dragonfly carries the wisdom of mental maturity, change, transformation, adaptability, self-realization, and the deeper meaning of life. These are the gifts that Amber and her guests offer listeners of The Dragonfly Connection podcast. 2020 set off a chain of events that has changed us forever and for many of us - forced us to face our unhealed mental and spiritual wounds. During this time of change and surrendering join Amber (The Dragonfly Momma) and her guests every week for open - honest - real (and healing) conversations to help you on your healing journey. New episodes out every week. Follow Amber on Instagram @the_dragonfly_momma
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
"Life has a way of throwing things at us that causes us to turn away from our own body wisdom."
Wondering what that means? Listen to this episode to learn what those "things" are and how to connect with your bodies wisdom.
Todays guest, Laura Rowe is Ambers friend, colleague, member of The HealingWaze Team (Ambers holistic wellness company) and her personal energy healer. Laura's definition of embodiment is the act of connecting your consciousness to your body.
Very interesting topic!
And, if this resonates with you, you have to check out the 4 week online class she's co-hosting with Carrie Craven, a long time member in Ambers Holistic Success Membership program through HealingWaze.com; a personal trainer and Reembody practitioner.
This class, called Embodied Alignment is designed to help re-establish the mind-body-spirit connection. Together, they will combine structural movement exercises, journaling prompts, and guided meditations that will explore your relationship with your body while reconnecting with the joy and fun of movement. It starts January 5th. Join HERE.
If you don't remember Laura from the 1st and 2nd seasons of this podcast, here's a reminder.
Laura is an empath, spiritual seeker, and intuitive healer. She founded The Vital Spirit in 2013 and has worked with hundreds of empaths helping them feel comfortable in their skin and connected in this world.
Laura knows the struggle of feeling different, misunderstood, and judged for her sensitivities. Her passion is empowering empaths to inhabit their whole self — accepting and deeply connecting with the truth of their being.
In this episode Laura leads an embodiment meditation. If you like the meditation, you can become a patron on Ambers Patreon Page and get access to just the meditation any time you like.
Connect with Laura on her website with lots of free resources: thevitalspirit.net
And on Facebook, Instagram and HealingWaze.
If you would like to learn more about her and Carrie's class Embodied Alignment click HERE.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
"Listening became my modality"
That's one of Ambers favorite quotes from her guest, Daniel Bruce Levin. The other is posted on her Instagram page.
Daniel is a visionary, activist, speaker, and storyteller.
He has a very interesting life story with many twists and turns, but the one that stands out the most may have been when he walked away from an opportunity to run a billion dollar business. BILLION!!! He chose to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace instead.
Daniels travels took him to a country where he studied in a seminary for five years (but then left one day before becoming a Rabbi). Then when he came back to the United States, he joined a yoga community, which led him to his life as a Monk in a monastery for 10 years. And, those are just two examples!
It seems this guy has lived a hundred lives already! He was once even the Director of Business Development at Hay House bringing them from $3,000,000 a year in sales to $100,000,000 a year in revenue.
Now his focus is helping other to "learn how to see what they can't see".
He is the author of The Mosaic, a life changing fable that invites people to listen to those others do not hear and to see the situations in their life differently.
Daniel is truly a rare gem in this crazy world. His storytelling is entertaining and inspiring. I hope you enjoy it as much as Amber did.
Visit Daniels website at DanielBruceLevin.com.
Connect with him on social media:
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Rituals For Life
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
It's time to put on your big girl panties and live your life to the fullest!
If you need a little encouragement, this episode may help.
Ambers guest on this episode is Theresa Tirk, The Ritual Queen. Theresa is a Published Author, Speaker, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki II Energy Worker, and Certified Aromatherapist. She is also a mom, wife, and recovering people-pleaser who is dedicated to helping women everywhere awaken to their own validation and strength so they can learn to prioritize their own care, to love themselves and their life.
Theresa began coaching after her own spiritual journey of self-discovery through a battle with depression and anxiety stemming from a childhood of chaos, dysfunction and addiction. She believes in the power of mindset shifts and creating daily rituals that have massive impact on your life. And, before you make assumptions, these rituals aren't what you might be imagining. Take a listen to find out what they're talking about, and how you can create your own rituals to help you live a healthier, fuller life.
Speaking of fuller life and big girl panties.....
After this episode was recorded, Amber read Theresa's book "Uncensored: A guide to putting on your big girl panties" and highly recommends it. It was an easy read, full of humor, some sarcasm, journal prompts, and some great tips that you can start using to get your health and life back on track.
If after listening, if you're interested in getting a copy you can purchase one HERE.
Visit her website at www.theritualqueen.com
Connect with Theresa on Social Media: Instagram & Facebook
If you liked this podcast episode please share it with all your friends and follow Amber on Instagram too. If you'd like to go a step further to support Ambers mission to continue bringing healing and inspiration to the world, please consider becoming a patron. You get access to Amber, her guests, a virtual self-improvement book club and more!
Check it out at: https://www.patreon.com/thedragonflyconnection
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
The Mother Wound with Amber Cook
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
In this solo episode, Amber talks about her Mother Wound and how it's had an impact on her life; along with a description of the "Sandbox" photo posted to her Instagram and Facebook pages recently.
She shares ways to identify your Mother Wounds and most importantly, ways to heal those wounds so you can life a healthy, full, successful life.
At the end, you'll get a glimpse into Season three, coming out in November 2021.
Stay connected to Amber on social media or her website.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Letting Go with Chrissy Rapp
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Chrissy Rapp has survived many challenges in her life which started at a very young age. Her mother had her at 14, leading her to be raised by her grandmother and a step (grandfather) who had his own mental health challenges. Chrissy grew up struggling with anxiety and addiction; which led her to eventually doing some time in prison - losing her kids and herself.
But, in an unexpected turn of events, her time in prison not only healed her; it saved her. And, now she uses the tools and techniques that helped her on her healing journey to help others - specifically those who are or have been in jail themselves.
This is a very inspirational story and one you need to share with anyone who is struggling with addiction or recovery. Chrissy is proof that anyone can heal with the right support and healing tools.
Chrissy is open to anyone reaching out through her email rapppatterson83@icloud.com
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Perception Is Your Reality with Gael Wood
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
If you're looking for some advice to cope with the stress of juggling a family along with a career, this is the episode for you!
Ambers guest, and colleague in the wellness industry, Gael Wood has learned a lot about this subject and is joining The Dragonfly Connection to share her wisdom. This episode was recorded at the end of the school year so that little part of the conversation is a outdated, but the rest is totally relevant no matter where you are in life....and this pandemic.
Seven years ago Gael started a journey to makeover her life! She said she was burned out, in debt, unwell, and needed to find another way before she ended up sicker or even divorced. Today, she lives in her dream house, has location and time freedom, does the work she loves, and feels amazing.
She started out her career life as a housekeeper, then became an overworked massage therapist. But, she kept trying new things and taking chances and now she is a successful entrepreneur...helping others live there most fulfilling lives and careers.
She's been on the cover of a well known Massage Magazine, inducted into the World Massage Hall of Fame, and worked with entrepreneurs from all over the world. Most recently she has published two self-improvement books - "The Gratitude Habit" and "Designing Your Dream Life".
Connect with Gael on social media or shoot her an email at gael@elevatewithgael.com
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
A Moment In Time with Constance Ao
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
"It's just a moment in time and it will pass."
Don't let the title fool you, today's episode is a little lighter than the last couple. Ambers friend and colleague, Constance Ao, chat about self-love, relationship challenges, soul mates and life on the road.
When the pandemic hit, Constance Ao and her husband did what many of us have done and continue to do during this time....reevaluate our lives and careers. They, along with their daughter Anastasia, bought an RV and took to the road for adventure and peace from all the chaos happening around them.
And, as you can imagine living in an RV with a family comes with it's own challenges. This episode was recorded in May of 2021, and in that time, Constance's life has changed even more....and in ways totally unexpected. Follow her on Facebook to find out more.
Constance's unconventional love story and words of wisdom are sure to warm your heart.
Are you looking for a relationship like the one Constance and I talked about during our chat? Well, Constance may be able to help!
Constance Ao, is a psychic, healer, helper and relationship coach. She works with women who are seeking to heal their hearts and wounds so they can connect deeper into self love and then eventually their soulmate.
Is this you?...or someone you care about? Find out more at ConstanceAo.com or find her on Instagram and Facebook.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Thriving In The Midst Of Adversity with Tracie Root
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Ambers guest, Tracie Root, is a coach, a speaker, an educator, and founder of Gather - a community building space located in Santa Cruz...and now also online to serve everyone no matter where there at in the world.
Her story is one of loss, love, rebuilding, courage and finding ways to thrive in the midst of all kinds of adversity.
Tracie ended her career in corporate America and found her new calling after her partner of almost 20 years passed away. Tracie and her two toddlers were left with no family nearby, a house “underwater” from the housing crisis of 2008, and she just couldn’t see how anything was going to change.
Then, years later, through an unexpected avenue, she was able to find her way back to her former self...one step at a time. She shifted her career to one of helping others at a deeper level while making more time for her own fulfillment, adventure, and joy.
In this conversation she and Amber chat about wellness, goal-setting, entrepreneurship, overcoming tragedy and loss, and of course; this last 18 months of pandemic life.
This episode was recorded in May, and unfortunately, now at the end of August, not much has changed...except kids are going back to school in most areas. But, otherwise, we're still in a place of confusion and uncertainty.
Hope this episode helps inspire you and bring you hope. Because, we will get through this; and if we let this challenging time strengthen and change us, we'll be better for it.
Like Tracie says, "everything that happens in life is so we can be ready for what's next".
You can connect with Tracie by email at Tracie@TracieRoot.com
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Reclaiming Your Life with Alison Pena
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
This episodes guest, Alison Pena, calls herself The Bad Widow and in her conversation with Amber she dropped tons of wisdom about grief, healing, self-care, resilience and even dating. She even shares an original poem she wrote about her experience with online dating! For anyone who's done the online dating thing, or planning to (or not planning to)....it's very relatable.
Alison says that the time from her husbands cancer diagnosis, through the progression of his illness which ended in his death; was "the most heartbreaking and transformational time" of her life.
And, right now, many of us are going through our own heartbreaking and transformational times of our lives. We may not all be dealing with the death of a loved one, but there's a collective grief running rampant right now...in the world. Because of that, you're gonna get a ton of value from this episode.
Her three step approach to reclaiming your life after loss is straightforward and very uncomplicated. When you're ready, give it a try! Contact Alison if you need some help at alison@badwidow.com
And, stick around all the way to the end to hear about her first book, which will be available September 20, 2021! Pre-order HERE.
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
6 Month Compilation Celebration with The Top 10
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Help us celebrate six months of weekly podcast episodes full of inspirational content on The Dragonfly Connection with a compilation of clips from the top 10 most popular podcast episodes hosted by Amber.
This episode includes five clips from The Dragonfly Connection episodes and five from The Holistic Healing Connection (discontinued in 2020, but still available under "The Dragonfly Connection").
Here are direct links to the full episodes (in no particular order).
- Healing Journey with Natasha Nirvana
- Expansive Life with Kristine Rosenquist
- Die Hard For Your Dreams with Russ McGarry
- Going With The Flow with Victor Barreda-Pazos
- Purpose Quest with Vanessa Couto
- Bodytalk And Weight Loss with Lyn Delmastro Thomson
- Yes...And! with Starr Sheppard-Decker
- Stop Doubting Yourself with Ashley Rainsbarger
- Transitions And Change with Gail Serna
- Thriving As An Empath with Laura Rowe