The dragonfly carries the wisdom of mental maturity, change, transformation, adaptability, self-realization, and the deeper meaning of life. These are the gifts that Amber and her guests offer listeners of The Dragonfly Connection podcast. 2020 set off a chain of events that has changed us forever and for many of us - forced us to face our unhealed mental and spiritual wounds. During this time of change and surrendering join Amber (The Dragonfly Momma) and her guests every week for open - honest - real (and healing) conversations to help you on your healing journey. New episodes out every week. Follow Amber on Instagram @the_dragonfly_momma
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
The Light of Awareness with Susan De Lorenzo
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Ambers guest, Susan De Lorenzo says, "You live you life by either design or default". And, there's a lot of truth in that!
In this episode we start out talking about Susan's "dark night of the soul"...or dark nights; and how she used hers to help her live a more joy filled, authentic life.
You can do the same whether you're in your dark night or already through it even!
Susan is an Author, Speaker and Certified Transformational Life Coach who focuses on helping other women who are emerging from life-altering adversities themselves and guides them to evaluate the insights and wisdom that such times hold (like living through a global pandemic).
In this conversation you'll hear about how after a year of fighting and surviving invasive breast cancer, Susan was dealt another life altering blow when her husband at the time, told her he wanted to leave the marriage. Then she shares some of the wisdom she's gathered through this experience, along with a little bit about some other personal challenges she's overcome...with advice on how you can overcome your own challenges, big or small...and get in the drivers seat of your life.
Shoot Susan an email at susan@susandelorenzo.com so you can stay connected to her and get notified about the release of her upcoming book, "Pulling the Gems from Adversity".
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Live Out Loud with Heather Phillips
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
"The stories we can tell ourselves are way worse than what's actually happening..."
Heather Phillips is a long time friend of Ambers. They're friendship blossomed through shared struggle starting almost 10 years ago...and lasting up until just a couple years ago. They endured major momma heartache together on an almost daily basis, while watching their two teenage sons go down some very bad paths together...and separately. During that time, they learned a lot about each other and themselves as mothers and helpers.
Heather is recently an empty nester trying to figure out her own "new normal". In this episode you get to listen in on them picking up where they left off before everything was shut down in March of 2020. Heather was the last person Amber had a coffee date with before all our lives changed in an instant.
Over this last 18 months, like many of us, Heather has made some huge changes in her life...with weight loss surgery top of the list. She has struggled with her weight most of her life, but in spite of her size, she continued to pursue her love of fitness. She even created a platform for showing bigger bodies that they belong in the fitness world! Heather has been an inspiration to Amber and so many others over the years...even when she wasn't feeling inspiring.
In fact, in this episode you'll learn a little bit about her mental health challenges and how she's working to overcome them. And, now she says, she does truly love herself...and her life.
Can you say that about you and your life?
After listening, we highly recommend you follow Heather on Instagram @fitnessinthebigworld.
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
You Have Value with Rachel S. Heslin
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
"I'm all about removing barriers!" Rachel S. Heslin
Today's guest Rachel S. Heslin, learned the hard way that asking for help is essential to a successful life and career. In this episode she shares that experience with us, and all the lessons learned from it.
Lessons like, why is it so important to forgive ourselves first?..and learning to ignore "shoulds" and other peoples goals for us. This is something many of us struggle with, and in this episode, she shares ways to be more accepting of ourselves and how to develop a growth mindset.
Rachel has been immersed in the study of psychology for over 40 years. Her father, a clinical psychologist, taught his children his craft and Rachel was first introduced to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) when she was only 9 years old.
Rachel is the author of two books: "Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way", and "Rituals of Release: How to Make Room for Your New Life". She is also the founder of The Fullness of Your Power, helping people embrace all parts of their true selves so they can live happier, more successful, and more deeply fulfilling lives.
In this conversation, Rachel so generously breaks down the 8 strategies from her book along with her idea of rituals.
It's a great conversation, one that will leave you with some serious tools to guide YOUR way.
You can email Rachel for more info at rachel@thefullnessofyourpower.com.
And you can purchase her books at the links below:
Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way
Rituals of Release: How to Make Room for Your New Life
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Habits of Happiness with Penny Hill
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
"Happiness is the driver to what's going to get you to your goal."
That's just one of the many words of wisdom uttered from this episodes guest, Penny Hill.
Penny is a helper and healer to her core, and has been on this path most of her life. Through her own life challenges, including a health challenge that changed her life....she's learned a lot of different ways to true health and happiness.
Penny hits us with some straight up facts about pain and suffering. And, like she says, "suffering is not required".
You're sure to be smiling while you listen, and at the end of this episode you'll understand why smiling is so important to your health and wellbeing.
Are you ready to make happiness a habit?
Stick around all the way to the end to hear Penny's philosophy. It's a good one! So, good in fact that Amber posted it on her Instagram account @the_dragonfly_momma in case you want to share it with your people.
Speaking of sharing, help Amber spread the inspiration by sharing this podcast with your friends. It's easy to share...just text them the link to this podcast (copy and paste), hit the share button, or post it on social media. It's all about connection!
...And happiness.
Happiness. It's not just for some people. It's for all of us. It's for you!
Imagine yourself healthier with more vitality and bounce in all areas of your life.... better rested, fitter, sparkling.
Imagine yourself more creative...bringing solutions to work problems, getting better results for clients, helping your kids flourish...finding better ways to manage conflict...just being less bothered with life's annoyances no matter how big or small.
Imagine yourself speaking up at work more...standing in your space with confidence and knowing your worth.
Imagine yourself at ease with people - no matter the setting. You radiate a calm, helpful, even loving presence that allows people to be at ease around you. You genuinely care for them and they can feel that and they trust you.
And, now you don't have to just imagine. You can be this and more through cultivating your own happiness!
Penny Hill will help you realize that happiness is not the end goal, it is the path. It is the power to lift you up and propel you forward in all areas of your life.
Visit calmhealthease.com to learn more about Penny's "Habits of Happiness" program, along with all her wellness services to help you no matter where you are on your wellness/life journey.
You can also connect with Penny via email at pheft22@gmail.com.
Find her on HealingWaze at https://healingwaze.com/practitioners/penny-hill-eft-tapping-for-stress-relief-rising-sun-massage/
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Love Your Life with Dr. Jacquilen Tomas, Ali
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
"Love your life no matter what it is; the good, the bad, the ugly. Just love your life. Because when you come from that place of love from your heart, it opens up a lot of doors...."
The collective fear is raging again...fears of wildfires on the west coast, strange weather patterns, and we're also in the midst of a nationwide reopening that definitely has many of us on edge, for all kinds of different reasons.
No matter where you are in the world this is a great episode to listen to right now. Dr Jacquilen Tomas Ali, is one of the most courageous, resilient people you'll meet. In this conversation she talks about fear and how to replace it with love, your health, and lets just say...."listening".
Jacquilen also shares a little bit about what it was like growing up as a black woman in the 50's and 60's, the loss of her husband, going with the ups and downs of life; and the wisdom she's learned along the way.
Not only does she have alot of wisdom and humor to share; she is a Naturopathic Physician, BodyTalk Access Trainer, BodyTalk Practitioner, a Board Member of the BodyTalk MidAtlantic Association, and a Nutritional Counselor and Master Herbalist.
Learn more about Dr. Jacquilen's work at dralind.com or at https://www.wissahickonwellness.com/mission-and-vision
On Facebook
And, check out her listing on HealingWaze at https://healingwaze.com/practitioners/earthly-essence/
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Own It! with Lesley Tesh
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
You're in for a treat, with this unique episode! Normally Ambers guests are sharing the details of painful or challenging things that have happened to them in the past. Then we get to hear them talk about triumph, lessons learned, and how it has changed them....how much they've grown.
Todays guest, Lesley Tesh agreed to have a conversation with Amber while currently going through a divorce, and the pandemic. Talk about vulnerability! She said this phase she's currently in the middle of is extremely hard, but that she knows, she will be "transformed" on the other side.
With that attitude, she's perfect for this podcast!
Lesley, who is embracing the wisdom that comes with turning fifty; is a mom, an actress (one from one of Ambers favorite shows), and most recently; the creator of 'Your Badass Story'. Even in the midst of her own pain, she was able to create something that is helping inspire and motivate others.
She says, "We're all on a journey and we all have a badass story, whether we realize it or not".
After listening to this episode, you should definitely join Lesley and Amber on Instagram at Your Badass Story.
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Healing Trauma with Tabatha Bird Weaver
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
As far as the pandemic goes, things are starting to look up. People are coming back out into the light...with longer hair, and the Covid 15. People seem more hopeful and excited for the future, but at the same time, we're shell shocked. It feels a little like what I would imagine coming out of a bomb shelter after a war would feel like.
We've got a lot of healing to do!
Everyone's level of hard was different this last year plus, but we've all been through some hard stuff. Even if it was just having to watch other peoples suffering. There is a level of trauma we've all experienced in one way or another.
So, it's fitting to bring back an episode titled Healing Trauma, from Ambers old podcast The Holistic Healing Connection. Before she rebranded and changed the focus.
Her guest, Tabatha Bird Weaver blends talk therapy methods, energy healing and chakra work for a total holistic healthcare experience.
Tabatha is a dually licensed psychotherapist.
Tabatha has earned memberships & awards, spoken nationally, lobbied for families and therapists in Washington D.C. and created several programs for the State of Oregon agencies.
She has worked in the foster system and in family/marriage counseling. She's trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders and is also trained in multiple energetic healing methods.
Her passion is helping adults heal from trauma, particularly from childhood or narcissistic abuse, and helping overwhelmed empaths and those experiencing codependency behaviors.
In this episode you'll learn how trauma manifests itself in your mind and body, learn ways to heal, get some tips on boundary setting, and even get a guided meditation to use in those moments when you're feeling frazzled and need to strengthen your boundaries.
This episode first aired October 12, 2019, but it's still relevant today.
Connect with Tabatha at www.karmicalchemist.com
Tabatha recommends this website for self help: http://www.sfhelp.org/
By listening to this podcast you agree that this is not a replacement for medical services and are encouraged to seek immediate medical care if needed. Read the full disclaimer here. https://healingwaze.com/healingwaze-disclaimer/
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Yes...And with Starr Sheppard-Decker
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Starr Sheppard Decker says, "I love showing people what is possible when they stop trying to be someone else and align everything they do with who they really are."
Starr is a mom, wife, professional vocalist, life-long rebel/leader/activist. When she's not creating new ways to help others navigate life and business; she loves reading self-help books, playing Nintendo & playing board games.
According to Amber, Starr is a firecracker who shines bright like her name. She also exudes love for everything and everyone!
She is open and honest about her past - a multitude of traumatic experiences, abuse, toxic relationships, dysfunctional family dynamics, narcissism, and cycles of rejection and abandonment. In this conversation they'll touch on those parts of her story and she shares how she moved through those adversities and healed her wounds.
Through lots of trial and error, Starr learned to stop the push/force/shove/shame method of motivation and productivity, and find what she calls her "FLOW"....rippling out into all aspects of her life. She now uses her knowledge and personal experiences to help others find their "FLOW" too.
Starr offers up lots of great wisdom and advice in this episode....including her description of "YES...And".
Connect with Starr at starr@radicalrevelations.com or on HealingWaze
If you're a Coach, Healer, or another type of Visionary Entrepreneurs feeling confused or frustrated around what to focus on or how to set up your business in a way that feels good AND is profitable; Starr can help you get organized, prioritize, and find your flow so you can make progress, make money, and make a difference.
Starr is the founder of Radical Revelations, the Rad Connections Online Luncheon Experience, and the new Flow & Grow Collective which just launched this year.
Learn all about her offerings at https://radicalrevelations.com/
Connect with Starr on social media:
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Growing You with Rachel West
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Rachel West said something during this conversation that we know will resonate with many of you. She said, "The #1 person we lie to the most is ourselves, so just be honest with yourself!".
Sounds easy, right!?!?
But for many people it's not. Lies to stay in relationships, whether friends, romantic or even family. Lies about choices that are bad for your health...one more cupcake isn't gonna hurt?!?!
Have you told yourself and others that you're "OK" when you're really NOT "OK"?
We don't know why people do this, but I bet it's some kind of avoidance technique. It's a way of not having to look at the stuff outside of our comfort zone.
But, that's exactly how we move forward....heal...and live happy, fulfilling, successful lives. We must face our stuff, learn self awareness, and step out of our comfort zones.
And, that's what Rachel and Amber are talking about today...
Rachel is a Personal Growth Coach, Breakthrough Expert, Speaker and Author of "The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock The Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power".
Rachel grew up surrounded by people with addiction and mental illness and her own diagnosis of a learning disability, which really held her back in life. But, once she learned how to shed that label and the fear of others judgement; she discovered her life's purpose and now she's doing what she loves - helping others live more fulfilling authentic lives.
It all starts with choosing change over comfort!
Join Rachels Facebook Group to connect with others interested in personal growth and development at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/615903069164775
Learn more about Rachels Book HERE
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Rising Above with Lori Anne Rising
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
"I need to be me. This is my life."
Ambers guest Lori Anne Rising grew up in an emotionally and psychologically abusive home. And, as what is common, she entered a marriage that was similar.
It took her 49-year-old mother having a brain aneurysm, to wake her up; beginning her journey of healing and putting the pieces of herself back together. The journey continued after her divorce through the use of EMDR therapy.
And, Lori Anne said it's what really made the most impact in her healing!
Through this work, Lori's intention was to heal herself and build a better life for her kids. But, In a dark ironic twist of events, it was that healing journey that, she believes, sparked a chain of events that lead to one of the most painful things she, as a mother could have imagined.
In this conversation you'll learn more about the darkest parts of Lori Annes story and then we'll learn how she was able to rebuild herself and her life. Not only is she living her purpose and passion; she now helps other women reconnect with their purpose and live a joy-filled life. She's also a double podcast host and the international award winning author of the book "You. Rising! Reclaim Your Life. Live Your Purpose."
Connect with Lori on Facebook at www.facebook.com/loriannerising